Wednesday 19 September 2012

MACME @ Bournemouth Uni

I'll be joining the lovely folk down at Bournemouth Uni where I am doing my PhD on the 20th September to give a quick talk about Practice-Research in the context of my PhD about inspiring kids to start coding.  The MA Creative & Media Education is an innovative masters course designed specifically for teachers and college lecturers, or those in relevant educational support and development roles.

It's early days for my Doctorate, so I'm hoping I have enough to share with them! Maybe next year (if I'm invited) I'll be able to share a little more with the students on this course, and I'm sure that actually, the folks on this course will be able to share more with me that I will with them.

I'll put my slides up shortly if anyone is interested.

Link to my slides here

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Ideas Festival Scratch Classes

Stop Press!

I'll be running a series of workshops at the Chelmsford Ideas Festival 2012 in October 2012 in Chelmsford, a city in Essex, UK.

Why not come along and get involved in learning how to program computers using MIT's Scratch and App Inventor for Android phones. The classes are free, and you'll be able to take away anything you do if you bring a USB stick!

More details soon...